Learning Today… Leading Tomorrow…
Founded on 10th March 2008.
22 Patrons Jointly formed this Trust.
This Trust was Run by former Faculties of “Salem Thiagarajar Polytechnic College”.
The Current Management is Headed by the Chairman Mr. Govind.
The Vision of “ Marutam Nelli Educational & Charitable Trust” is to Provide Quality
Education at Free of Cost / Nominal Cost to the Well Deserved Students.
Marutam Nelli Polytechnic College is being managed by an Experienced Principal,
Team of Experienced Professors and Teaching Faculties.
Admission Open for 2024-2025
2024-2025 கல்வி ஆண்டு சேர்க்கை நடைபெறுகிறது.

Marutam Nelli Trust founded on 10th March 2008. 22 Patrons Jointly formed this Trust. This Trust was Run by former Faculties of “Salem Thiagarajar Polytechnic College”. The Current Management is Headed by the Chairman Mr. Govind. The Vision of “ Marutam Nelli Educational & Charitable Trust” is to Provide Quality. Education at Free of Cost / Nominal Cost to the Well Deserved Students. Marutam Nelli Polytechnic College is being managed by an Experienced Principal, Team of Experienced Professors and Teaching Faculties.

Marutam Nelli Polytechnic College aims to provide high quality technical education in various engineering disciplines with an emphasis on learning an application. Further , we strongly believe that our students emerge from the portals of our institution as responsible citizens with sound values and positive attitude.
The Evolution and development of our polytechnic has been excellence in large measure due to the leadership, faculty, staff and students working together towards all round individual and institutional success and enjoying doing so.
The secret of success, the source of strength, the spring of power are born out of and sustained by knowledge. Know and realize that you alone are the master of your destiny and captain of your soul. Be brave, be bold. Nothing is impossible.
Dr. Govind K

1.To offer competency based and environmentally sound Technical Education and Training services to qualified students, and employed adults through diversified courses delivered in a variety of modes using appropriate learning environments to meet the rapidly changing needs of industries, business and the community and individual entrepreneurial requirements.
2. To encourage the development of healthy personality and character of our students and make them technically competent.
3. To meet the human resource needs of industry and business through continuing education programs using flexible modes of delivery.
4. To strengthen our links with industry and the community through testing, counseling, career development, placement and extension services.
5. To make use of state of the art equipment, qualified and trained faculty and excellent infrastructure facilities and to promote excellence and quality in all that we do.

The Vision of “ Marutam Nelli Educational & Charitable Trust” is to Provide Quality Education at Free of Cost / Nominal Cost to the Well Deserved Students.